the movement

What is Dubai Can?

Dubai Can is a sustainability initiative by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the UAE, and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai.


The initiative aims to reduce single-use plastic water bottle waste in the city by:

  • Encouraging individuals to use refillable water bottles

  • Enabling access to free and safe drinking water through the installation and use of water stations across Dubai

  • Creating a culture of conscious living by driving awareness on plastic alternatives and sustainability issues

Dubai Can Plastic Bottles Under Water

Why act now?

In the past 10 years, we've created more plastic waste than during the previous century combined. Consider these facts:

  • It can take around half a millennium (500 years) for some plastics to decompose (WWF)
  • Approximately 100,000 marine mammals are killed by ocean plastic every year (WWF)
  • The average UAE resident can use around 450 plastic water bottles every year (Bee'ah)
  • By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans (Ellen MacArthur Foundation/World Economic Forum)

We need to act now to help our planet. Dubai Can is a timely initiative that will: 

  • Bolster a citywide and global movement towards positive change
  • Protect the environment by reducing waste and saving wildlife
  • Reduce your cost of living and activate awareness

How can you help?

Everyone can and should make a difference. Your actions are an important contribution.


Here are some ways to help and be a part of the Dubai Can initiative:

    • Carry refillable water containers and persuade family and friends to do the same
    • Inform others about the free drinking water stations around the city and encourage their use
    • Install water filters in your home
    • Practise sustainable living and inspire the community with your actions and choices
Dubai Can
Did you know?
Since 15 February 2022, the initiative has cut the consumption of almost 18 million 500ml single-use plastic water bottles

Where can you refill?

Dubai Can refill stations across the city

Dubai Can - fountain locations
Get your own copy of the map to access free drinking water around Dubai
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